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Tour Dates


04/19 Manitoba Metalfest (MB)
04/20 Regina (SK)

August 4th, 2013

New web store @ IndieMerch!

Check out our new web store!

2 comments to New web store @ IndieMerch!

  • Konstantin

    Hey Guys, I’m a big fan of your music. I hear your music sins the “Buried in Oblivion” record. I’m from Germany and i have two questions.
    1st: Is where any hope that you come over to Germany for a Europe tour?
    2nd: Do you know when the next record comes to stores?

    hope for a quick answer

    Keep on Rockin’

  • Jordan

    Just ordered my shirt. When it arrives, I’m gonna throw it on and take a pic giving the best Scott Krall facial expression I can.