H o m e / N e w s
B a n d
C o n t a c t
D i s c o g r a p h y
The Sirens (CD release 8/3/18)
Fukushima (digital single 2012)
Sandstorm (digital single 2011)
The Incurable Tragedy (CD 2008)
The Scattering Of Ashes (CD 2006)
Buried In Oblivion (CD 2004)
Dead Or Dreaming (CD 2001/2002)
Into Eternity (CD 1999/2000)
T o u r D a t e s
V i d e o s
Tour Dates
04/19 Manitoba Metalfest (MB)
04/20 Regina (SK)
The Sirens in stores and online now
Pearl endorsement
November 2nd, 2018
The Sirens released!
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Into Eternity
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